Caroline Herbert, Wear2Start Volunteer Program Coordinator

Caroline Herbert, Wear2Start Volunteer Program Coordinator


Wear2Start is pleased to welcome our new Volunteer Program Coordinator, Caroline Herbert. Thanks to grant from the Victoria Foundation’s Community Recovery Program, Caroline will help W2S rebuild our volunteer base so we can resume serving clients and restructure our clothing donation program so that we can soon resume accepting clothing from the community.

Caroline has spent the last nine years as a professional volunteer manager at Saanich Volunteer Services Society and the Alzheimer Society of BC and is a member of Volunteer Management Professionals of Canada. A long-time volunteer, she has been on numerous non-profit boards and has spent many years leading volunteers and implementing successful events that contribute to the local community.

Caroline is also a professional make-up artist and aesthetician with a wide range of leadership and management and a background in customer service.

As the new W2S Volunteer Program Coordinator, Caroline says she is excited to be meeting new people and most of all, making a difference where she can.